Virtual learning environments as a complex entity


  • Drª. Teresinha Fróes Burnham (UFBA)
  • Dndº. Marcus Túlio Pinheiro (UNEB)
  • Dndª. Marise Oliveira Sanches (UFBA)



Distance education, Potential of AVA, Collaborative construction of knowledge


This article articulates different production contributions concerning Distance Education (DE), thus seeking to collaborate in the construction of the theoretical and epistemological reference related to this modality and its potential for collaborative knowledge building - a major challenge and a cardinal goal of distance education. It brings the contributions of many discussions that took place in the research group such as Knowledge, Cognitive Analysis, Ontology and Socialization (FACED/UFBA), with the sharing of experiences of knowledge workers who act as researchers, as well as a wide range of authors who offered their work to the distance education epistemic community.

Author Biographies

  • Drª. Teresinha Fróes Burnham (UFBA)
    Docente da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) / programas de pós-graduação em Difusão do Conhecimento (DMMDC) e em Educação (PPGE) na Ufba, Pós-doutora em Sociologia e Política do Currículo, na University of London, Doutora em Fiolosofia pela University of Southampton, Mestre em Educação pela Ufba, e Licenciada em História Natural pela Ucsal.
  • Dndº. Marcus Túlio Pinheiro (UNEB)
    Docente da UNEB, Físico, Mestre em Engenharia de Produção (UFSC), Doutorando em Educação(UFBA)
  • Dndª. Marise Oliveira Sanches (UFBA)
    UFBA/PPG Doutoranda em Difusão do Conhecimento/Faculdade de Educação





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