The use of information and communications technology in psychology to build life stories in comic strips: skills development of the researcher in training


  • Drª. Nadja Acioly Régnier (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1-França) IUFM Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • Dndª. Marie Baraud (Université Lumière Lyon 2-França)



Narrative identit, Self-confrontation, Skills development, Research training, ICT


Based on an example of intercultural research in psychology, this article aims to propose a reflection on the impact of using a computer program for creating comic strips in the development of methodological skills of researchers in humanities and social sciences. Using a hybrid instrument for data collection and analysis to build life stories was intended to encompass different mental processes of the participant subjects, thus allowing access to issues of difficult approach and construction of more diverse and richer data than those derived from conventional methods. Confrontation with technical barriers requires the development of new skills by the researcher. This seems to induce correspondingly a possibility to develop different means of expression in the subjects participating in the research. This example helped to raise issues regarding the development of the researcher skills and the use of methods from diverse areas and from Information and Communications Technology.

Author Biography

  • Dndª. Marie Baraud (Université Lumière Lyon 2-França)
    Université Lumière Lyon 2 Laboratoire « Santé, Individu, Société » EAM-SIS-HCL 4128, Université de Lyon




