Using Moodle for assessing the development of spatial ability in students who participated on course of BIM


  • Dndª. Érica de Sousa Checcucci (UNIVASF) UNIVASF / DMMDC
  • Dr. Dante Augusto Galeffi (UFBA)



BIM, Cognitive Analysis, Spatial Ability, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), Present Learning Environment (PLE)


This work presents and discusses a proposal to implement tests to be applied to civil engineering students to evaluate the development of spatial visualization skills after they have attended a course on Building Information Modeling (BIM). Some cognitive actions that occur during the process of architectural design and the changes that work with BIM provides are identified. Already established tests to assess the ability of spatial visualization of individuals, presented in the literature, are revised. The implementation of the tests in the "quiz" of moodle is proposed, based on the adaptation of four of these tests already established. Linking literature review on the topics discussed and presenting proposal for practical applications, this paper contributes to the improvement of research in the areas of BIM and virtual learning, deepening aspects relating to human cognitive plasticity and its lifelong formation process.

Author Biographies

  • Dndª. Érica de Sousa Checcucci (UNIVASF), UNIVASF / DMMDC
    Possui graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela UFBA(1996) e mestrado em Arquitetura, Critica e Projeto pela Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña (1999). Desde 2004 é professora assistente vinculada ao Colegiado de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco, onde atua na área de Expressão Gráfica. Tem experiência na área de Planejamento e Projetos da Edificação, tendo trabalhado principalmente com informática aplicada ao projeto de arquitetura e engenharia. Atualmente, é doutoranda no Programa de Pós Graduação Multidisciplinar e Multiinstitucional em Difusão do Conhecimento (DMMDC) onde desenvolve a pesquisa "MODELAGEM DA INFORMAÇÃO DA CONSTRUÇÃO (BIM): conceitos, representações e ferramentas no ensino de Engenharia.
  • Dr. Dante Augusto Galeffi (UFBA)
    Professor e coordenador do DMMDC, com sede na FACED/UFBA





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