Off label prescription and medical civil responsibility in pandemic times

a legal-detailed analysis of the disease COVID-19




Private Law. Medical Civil Liability. Off Label Prescription. Covid-19 Pandemic.


OBJECTIVE: This article offers a analysis of medical responsability for off label prescriptions in times of pandemic with a focus on the disease COVID-19.

METHOD: Under the legal-dogmatic methodological approach, using a bibliographic review for the construction of this work, with the analysis of artiches and national doctrine on the subject, using the hypothetical-inductive method.

RELEVANCE/ORIGINALITY: With the emergence of this and the mass use of uses outside the label of medicines, several legal disputes necessary to emerge from the doctor / pactient relationship, so that the presente study seeks to understand how a prescription occurs outside the label in Brazilian territory, analyze the paramertrs for lawful off-label uses in common times and discuss how the off-label prescription should be anlyzed in times of pandemic, identifying the requirements that would authorize such practice.

RESULTS: As a consequence, it is understood that the medical professional who observes certain possible for off-label prescription of medications during the COVID-19 pandemic should not suffer the consequneces of civil responsability, however, casustic anlyzes should bem ade for measurement of medical guilt.

THEORICAL / METHODOLOGICAL CONTRIBUITIONS: In common times, the rigor for off label uses must be diferente from that Applied in the times of pandemic.

Author Biographies

  • Leonardo Aurélio Rodrigues Santos, Rede de Ensino Doctum, João Monlevade, MG, Brasil.

    Pós-Graduando em Direito Constitucional pelo Centro Universitário Doctum de Teófilo Otoni (UNIDOCTUM). Graduado em Direito pela Rede Doctum.

  • Rainer Bomfim, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUC/MG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil.

    Doutorando em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, com bolsa CAPES. Mestre em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP). Especialista em Direito Previdenciário pela FAVENI. Bacharel em Direito pela UFOP. Professor do curso de Direito da Rede Doctum - Unidade João Monlevade. Membro dos grupos de pesquisa RESSABER - UFOP e RED - PUC/MG. 







How to Cite

Off label prescription and medical civil responsibility in pandemic times: a legal-detailed analysis of the disease COVID-19. Guanambi College Law Journal, Guanambi, v. 8, n. 02, p. e337, 2021. DOI: 10.29293/rdfg.v8i02.337. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.