Children and tv journalism: how the childh dhood are represented in the Jornal Nacional


  • Elizangela De Bona Laurindo Satc
  • Claudia Nandi Formentin Satc / Senac / Unisul



Childhood, media, Jornal Nacional


During childhood years gone un nnoticed. Although currently be seen as an imp portant stage of life, communication channels seems to be insufficiently attentive to her, especially in n news programs. The relationship between childhood and the media is the subject of this work is to sh how, through analysis of the newscast Jornal Nacional, , the representation of childhood in the media. To this authors were used as Philippe Aries (2006) an nd M. Bakhtin (2004) among others. The first to o make it possible to treat the history of childhood. T The second author, M. Bakhtin contributed to t the construction of a bibliographic references dealin ng with the language and their social interac ction. The period of childhood to be analyzed is fro om 0 to 12 years. It was defined as an object of study, the Jornal Nacional, broadcast by Rede Glo obo. The period chosen was 4 to 16 April 2011. I It was possible to see that the little child's voice appea ars on the news analysis. 

Author Biographies

  • Elizangela De Bona Laurindo, Satc
    Bacharel em Jornalismo pela Faculdade Satc de Criciúma (SC)
  • Claudia Nandi Formentin, Satc / Senac / Unisul
    Bacharel em Jornalismo (2001) e em História (2008) pela Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Em nível de Pós-Graduação possui especialização em Comunicação nas Organizações e mestrado em Ciências da Linguagem, ambos os cursos realizados na Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina. Atualmente é professora da Faculdade SATC (Criciúma) e da Faculdade SENAC (Tubarão). Desde 2004 atua como docente.




