Education natural philosophical basis for while education Lucílio and an Emílio


  • Almir Paulo dos Santos



Natural education, Rousseau, Sêneca, childhood and ethics


The work has the intention of approaching the second book of Emílio in Rousseau with the cards the Lucílio of Seneca, trying to connect the ethical sense of "human condition" to a "natural order". The core of natural education lies in strengthening the body and in the refinement of the senses and to justify it, Rousseau refers to ancient tradition, incorporating in its education project cosmological natural ethical aspects well defined from that tradition. Seneca justifies such insertion in a world where humans participates by virtue and morality, ordained by natural condition. Nature becomes the central issue for Rousseau educate Emílio his student fictitious and Seneca the Lucílio. The self-mastery is a fundamental condition for the inclusion in the order of things, how to face the vices that corrupt human "soul"

Author Biography

  • Almir Paulo dos Santos

    Licenciado em Filosofia – Mestre em Educação – UPF – Passo Fundo RS – NUPEFE e Doutorando em Educação – UNISINOS - São Leopoldo RS – Grupo de Pesquisa OBSERVATÓRIO DA EDUCAÇÃO - 2011 [email protected]





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