
  • Wagner Antônio Coelho Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI)
  • Luis Eduardo Simão



Performance, Service operation, Container reefer, Infrastructure, Port.


This article aims to present a model developed to measure, evaluate and classify the performance level of port infrastructure in ports and terminals with reefer containerized cargo operation. In this context, measuring and evaluating the performance level of the port infrastructure and cargo terminals for handling reefer cargo will allow analysis and assistance in decision-making by managers of client companies and providers of these services. As a method, a mixed approach was adopted, with exploratory and descriptive objectives, using structured questionnaires based on the factors and indicators observed in the literature, which were legitimized with the managers of the main ports and port terminals with reefer containerized cargo operation in the southern Brazil. The results of the empirical application of the method in five terminals demonstrated that the proposed model was able to measure, evaluate and classify the ports and terminals, since it was able to capture the performance of the best performance levels of the port infrastructure to operate services with containerized cargo reefer.

Author Biographies

  • Wagner Antônio Coelho, Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI)
    Mestre em Administração
  • Luis Eduardo Simão
    Doutor em Engenharia da Produção


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