A A bolsa que carrega um mundo: a imagem da bagagem em A bolsa amarela, de Lygia Bojunga


  • Vanessa Weber Sebastiany Unisc




A bolsa amarela. Lygia Bojunga. Bagagem.


This article presents a study of the work A Bolsa Amarela, by Lygia Bojunga, considering the reading through an imagery bias, under the Bachelardian perspective, relating poetic images suggested throughout the narrative with interpretations focused on psychoanalysis, more specifically on the evolution of the constitution of the being and the self-knowledge that begins in Raquel. The purse and the animated items with language contained in it, seen as a transfiguration of the psychological aspect of the protagonist, present to the reader, through the images, the process that Jung defines as individuation. The transition between childhood that is misunderstood and little valued by adults and adolescence leads the character to learn to deal with her emotions and reactions to external events that affect her subjectively.

