
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

As part of the submission process, the authors have to verify the conformity of the submission regarding every following item in the list. The submissions that are not in accordance to the norms will be sent back to the authors.

  • The contribution is original and unprecedented, and is not being evaluated for publishing by other jornal; otherwise, such must be justified in the “Comments To the Editor” section.
  • The files for submission must be in Microsoft Word format (as long as they not exceed 6MB), without mentioning authors.
  • URLs for references must be informed when needed.
  • The text must be in 1,5 spacing, in Calibri Font size 12; apply italic instead of underlines (except in URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text, or at the end of it, annex.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliography requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
  • The work authorship identification has been removed from the file and the option Properties in MS Word, granting, thus, the journal’s privacy criteria, if the work is sent for peer review (e.g: articles), according to available instructions in Guaranteeing the Blind Peer Review.
  • The authors must include in their Metadata, Academic Background, Degrees and Current Occupation.

Guidelines for Authors

The Revista Gestão & Sustentabilidade Ambiental (RG&SA) has as its goal the publication of articles by researchers and professionals in Brazil and abroad, with emphasis in:

  • Environmental Sciences, Environmental Management and Sustainability, natural process and reciprocal interactions among nature and humans. 

It is strongly desired that the articles focus on:

  • The most efficient and sustainable products and/or processes;
  • The socio-environmental aspects of technology, be it those called traditional, or those valued and improved with the adoption of new practices and consorted technologies.

Documents in Portuguese, English and Spanish are accepted.

RG&SA does not charge any sort of fee or other financial contribution from authors for articles or any sort of published text published.

Following the subsequent criteria is necessary for the submission of articles:

1) Regarding the document submission:

a) Content consistency and relevance, as well as topic pertinence for its publication in the Journal;

b) Detailed description of the methods and techniques used is necessary;

c) The conclusion must relate (confront) with the article’s goal in order to know if it attended or not to the proposed goal; 

d) The submitted content must be presented respecting the cult norm of the Portuguese language and in accordance to the template. The articles which do not adopt the template available model will not be forwarded to evaluation;

e) Adequate filling of the article’s metadata. In the authors’ metadata, besides mandatory data (degree, institution where they work, contact email), the inclusion of the ORCID ( is needed. After conclusion of the submission process, no other authors will be included;

f) The identification of authors, as well as file properties must be removed from the text of the submitted article;

g) Possible conflicts of interest must be informed within the document in the proper space for it, according to template;

h) The article must have between 15 and 20 pages, with extensions allowed according to the Editor;

i) The document file must be forwarded in .doc or .docx format (MS Word for Windows). PDF files will not be accepted;

j) The articles must be original, and simultaneous submission of other publications will not be accepted.

2) Regarding ethics and legality:

The articles which present research with human beings must come along with the registry number of the Institutional Ethics Committee to which it was submitted and approved by. For more information, refer to the resolutions: and

In the case of research with animals, those must follow the guidelines of the National Council of Control in Animal Experimentation [Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal (CONSEA)]. For further information, referto:

The adhesion to these principles must be included in the article, through registry number and the identification of the Institutional Ethics Committee to which it was submitted and approved by.

The articles of foreign authors which develop research in humans or animals must consult their own country’s legislation. Applicable norms and ethical principles, as well as the source of the aforementioned must be in the article.

The submission won’t be forwarded to evaluation in case of studies conducted illegally.



3) Regarding document structure and format:

  1. a) Use the template and follow the article graphic presentation styles (section numbers, margins, paper type (A4), type of font and spacing);
  2. b) It must have names, affiliation and author(s) email, as well as contributions from the aforementioned, according to information available in the supplementary document. When there is only ONE AUTHOR, it is not necessary to include contributions.
  3. c) The journal adopts the American Psychological Association (APA) Style – 7. ed. – ( for the presentation of article citations and references;
  4. d) The text must be written in the Calibri Font, size 12, with normal spacing in-between lines of 1,5cm, except abstracts, which should be in simple spacing;
  5. e) The Figures and Tables must have their title numbered and written in font size 12, in the superior part. The consulted Font must be written in size 12 on the lower part of figures and tables. They must be presented close to their referring paragraphs;
  6. f) The title must be presented in the article’s main language, followed by the respective translations (Portuguese, Spanish and English);
  7. g) A structured abstract must be presented, highlighting the goal, methods, results and conclusion, with a maximum of 150 words;
  8. h) There must be at least three (3) and at most five (5) keywords, started with capital letters and separated from each other using a semicolon;
  9. i) The article must not have more than two subsection levels;
  10. j) In a supplementary document, it is possible to include acknowledgements to sources and participants.

Up next, there are examples of how to present citations and the respective references in accordance to APA style: 




Marques et al. (2018)

(Marques et al., 2018)


Marques, D. V., Barcelos, R. L., Silva, H. R. T., Egert, P., Parma, G. O. C., Girotto, E., Consoni, D., Benavides, R., Silva, L., & Magnago, R. F. (2018). Recycled polyethylene terephthalate-based boards for thermal-acoustic insulation. Journal of Cleaner Production189, 251–262.





Rech e Rech (2013)

(Rech & Rech, 2013)


Rech, A. U. & Rech, A. (2013). Zoneamento ambiental como plataforma de planejamento da sustentabilidade.

Theses e dissertations


Pelicioni (2002)

(Pelicioni, 2002)


Pelicioni, A. F. (2002). Educação ambiental: limites e possibilidades de uma ação transformadora. [Tese de Doutorado]. Universidade de São Paulo.




 American Psychological Association (APA, 2020)

        (American Psychological Association [APA], 2020)


American Psychological Association. (2020). What’s new in the seventh edition publication manual. 

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unprecedented, and is not being evaluated for publishing by other jornal; otherwise, such must be justified in the “Comments To the Editor” section.
  • The files for submission must be in Microsoft Word format (as long as they not exceed 6MB), without mentioning authors.
  • URLs for references must be informed when needed.
  • The text must be in 1,5 spacing, in Calibri Font size 12; apply italic instead of underlines (except in URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text, or at the end of it, annex.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliography requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the About the Journal section.
  • The work authorship identification has been removed from the file and the option Properties in MS Word, granting, thus, the journal’s privacy criteria, if the work is sent for peer review (e.g: articles), according to available instructions in Guaranteeing the Blind Peer Review.
  • The authors must include in their Metadata, Academic Background, Degrees and Current Occupation.


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