About the Journal

Focus and Scope


The Revista Gestão & Sustentabilidade Ambiental has the goal of establishing a link between the Academy and society, through the presentation of articles of academic-scientific content, with emphasis on management and environmental sustainability, the natural processes and reciprocal interactions between nature and humans.

It is strongly desired that articles focus on:

1) The most efficient and sustainable products and/or productive processes

2) The socio-environmental aspects of technology, be it those called traditional, or those valued and improved with the adoption of new practices and consorted technologies.

That way, it allows for the application and evolution of the theoretical and/or experimental outlining among other discoveries which deserve and must be published and disclosed to society.

The journal proposes to increment the academic production, opening spaces for scientific publishing in the Environmental Management and Sustainability Area. That gives opportunities for teaching staff and student body, as well as researches in general on stimulating the production of new content, analysis and scientific research, thus promoting Universities, Courses, Teachers, Researchers and Scholars.


The target audience will be comprised of:

  • - Academics, teachers and researchers from all areas of knowledge;
    - Professionals, teachers and researchers Institutions with scientific production in the area of interest;
    - Academic-Scientific Community willing to establish a communication channel through a forum for publishing and discussion of content related to Environmental Management and Sustainability.

Peer Review Process

The peer review process of the received articles goes through two steps, being:

1) The first step consists of preliminary evaluation, in which it is observed if the text: is within the journal’s scope, brings discussions about the themes approached by the journal and is not a mere review of literature without critic positioning; follows the submission guidelines; makes use of the template; presents improper writing (inadequacy regarding the genres accepted by the journal, cohesion problems, etc.); and does not identify the authors. If it does not follow the requirements of the preliminary review, the articles won’t be sent to peer review;

2) In the second step, the selected texts are sent to evaluators selected in accordance to the academic background in the approached content area, or with notorious knowledge. The evaluators will judge the manuscript taking in consideration the verisimilitude, originality, importance and quality of the works submitted to publishing. At least two evaluators are chosen per manuscript. Having disagreement in assessments, a third opinion about the work will be solicited, to judge if it will be published or not.

If the text is greenlit for publication, the journal allows the introduction of formatting adjustments or even small content adjustments. Articles approved with restrictions will be sent back to the authors to be reformulated. In these cases, the editorial committee has the right of refusing the article, in case of the alterations introduced  do not comply to the evaluators’ requests.

The author must receive a report of their collaboration and the result of their work’s evaluation result.


The Revista Gestão & Sustentabilidade Ambiental has constant stream periodicity (since 2023).

Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public allows for greater worldly democratization of knowledge.