Genres and textbooks: from theory to praxis


  • Eliana Merlin Deganutti de Barros
  • Elvira Lopes Nascimento


Genre, Didactic sequence, Textbook, Review


The objective of this article is to investigate a significant picture of the didactic transposition of the genre theory, through the analysis of a chapter of the textbook “Português: Linguagens” (Cereja & Magalhães, 2004), whose object of work is the genre “review”. The analysis criteria were established from the reading of the teacher’s manual that follows the textbook, where the authors explain that the proposed activities for the chapters of “textual production” are based in the Bakhtinian genre theory. To understand the didactic treatment the authors give to textual production – considering that the chapter under analysis constitutes a set of activities centered on a textual genre –, we based the analysis on socio-discursive interactionism (BRONCKART, 2003) and on the research of Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004) about didactic sequences centered on textual genres.





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