Electronic instructional discourse: discursive interactional modes in virtual and real classrooms


  • Gustavo Daniel Constantino


Interaction, Classroom, Teaching, Internet, Forum, Chat room


Electronic discourse in online educational contexts is assumed to be analogous to that of face-to-face instruction. Such an analogy, in and of itself, does not imply either transparency or equivalence. As a consequence, in this essay we discuss the features of electronic instructional discourse, especially with regard to the most frequent modes of online instruction: forums and chats rooms. Our theoretical-methodological approach comes from discourse analysis of a functional-pragmatic orientation. Forums differ significantly in terms of instructional structure, varying both among themselves and in relation to their face-to-face equivalents, fulfilling different instructional functions according to the discursive features described and illustrated in this paper. Linguistic and discourse analysis of chat-rooms shows the difficulty of maintaining an orderly dialogue and of establishing genuine and in-depth communicative exchanges within this medium. Unlike face-to-face communication, chats demand careful planning and the tutor’s ability to anticipate the participants’ texts.





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