Popular song and the teaching of native language: the genre 'song' in the PCNs (Portuguese Curricular Parameters)


  • Nelson Barros da Costa


Discourse, Song, Literature, Pedagogical discourse, Scientific discourse


Following Dominique Maingueneau´s Discourse Analysis, the present work investigates the place of the song within the official pedagogical discourse. As its representative, the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (fundamental teaching of the Portuguese language in Brazil) are here considered. Along the analysis of such a text, I will try to answer the following questions: a) what is the place of the song in the context of the categories constructed within the range of scientific discourse, but retaken by the official pedagogical discourse as “oral” and “writing” and “literary” and “non-literary?” b) based on the hypothesis that the pedagogical discourse related to the teaching of the Portuguese language keeps strong relations to the literary discourse and theory, how are there considered the similarities, the differences, and the relations between poetry and the song? c) Is one taken as the variation of the other, or are both considered as distinct genres? d) How does the song appear in such a context?





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