Literature of/and (de)motivation: representations of “good teacher” in reports of teaching supervised internship


  • Lívia Chaves de Melo
  • Cristiane C. de Paula Brito


Literature of motivation, Representations, „Good teacher‟. Writing


This paper aims at discussing, from the epistemological base in the studies of Pêcheux in dialogue with a Bakhtinian perspective of language, representations of the „good? teacher, constructed by student-masters, when using literature of motivation (texts with optimistic messages and encouragements to the reader), in order to write about their experiences as pre-service teachers, in reports of English teaching supervised internship. Our analysis shows that these written productions are constituted by voices and discourses that are interwoven and in which subjects, in the attempt to construct a complete and ideal image before the other, fail to problematize the tense, conflicting and political nature of the teaching-learning processes, signifying the place of („good?) teacher always in the dimension of a coming-to-be.

Author Biographies

  • Lívia Chaves de Melo
    Doutoranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras: Ensino de Língua e Literatura. Bolsista CAPES.
  • Cristiane C. de Paula Brito
    Doutora em Linguística Aplicada pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP).



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