Theoretical bases for the teaching of writing


  • Manoel Luiz Gonçalves Corrêa Universidade de São Paulo


Theoretical Principles, Teaching, Writing


The objective of this study is to identify the underlying theoretical foundations for the development of practical working concepts (STREET, 2009) applicable to the teaching of writing, guided by the interrelationship between ethnographic and discursive traditions, with particular emphasis, however, on the discursive perspective. In sum, the study strives to establish parameters for the development of practical working concepts that do not disassociate linguistic reflection (based on the operation of language, the written word, and discourse) from the broader consideration of writing and the teaching of writing. The core objective of the teaching of writing is to enable the practical working concepts applied in the classroom to permeate the various experiences of didactic practice created by the diversity of subjects engaged in the process. This approach ensures that the process will be founded on explicit theoretical parameters to address key questions relating to writing and, at the same time, achieve greater distance from the more traditional practice of defining specific models for purposes of reproduction.

Author Biography

  • Manoel Luiz Gonçalves Corrêa, Universidade de São Paulo
    Professor Associado, Pesquisador CNPq, Livre-docente em Linguística Aplicada



Research article