
  • Vinicius Farias Moreira UFCG
  • Déborah Cristine Pedrosa Santos Clemente UFCG, graduanda e bolsista PIBIC.
  • Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira UFPE



Strategic Resources, Dynamic Capabilities, Technology cluster, RBV, Case study.


This study sought to analyze how the dynamics of strategic resources contribute to the value creation process of companies in the technology sector based in Paraíba. The theoretical foundation is based on the discussion around the Resource Based View (VBR) and its evolutionary perspective, which comprise Dynamic Capabilities. This is a multi-case study with a qualitative approach, with six technology companies located in João Pessoa. Data collection took place through semi-structured interviews with business owners and document analysis. The results reveal business routines and capabilities and provide value creation, with emphasis on human resources and technological competence and demonstrating weaknesses associated with commercial capabilities.

Author Biographies

  • Vinicius Farias Moreira, UFCG
  • Déborah Cristine Pedrosa Santos Clemente, UFCG, graduanda e bolsista PIBIC.
    UFCG, graduanda e bolsista PIBIC.
  • Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira, UFPE


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