
  • Mario Gustavo Chong Universidad del Pacífico
  • Rosa González Universidad de Los Andes
  • Álvaro Talavera Universidad del Pacífico
  • Erick Purizaga Universidad del Pacífico
  • Angélica Poquioma Universidad del Pacífico



Export containers, Container shipment, Port logistics.


The need to optimize the operational process of a warehouse for export container shipment motivated the present study. The scope has three objectives that focus on the shipment of empty reefer containers: first, to minimize shipment time, which currently takes an average of three hours, since the customer's transport enters the warehouse, receives the container and withdraws it; secondly, to improve the quality of the delivery state of the containers; and, third, to achieve a reduction in the operational costs of the shipment process.

Author Biographies

  • Mario Gustavo Chong, Universidad del Pacífico

    Facultad de Ingeniería

  • Rosa González, Universidad de Los Andes
    Facultad de Ingeniería
  • Álvaro Talavera, Universidad del Pacífico
    Facultad de Ingeniería
  • Erick Purizaga, Universidad del Pacífico
    Escuela de Postgrado
  • Angélica Poquioma, Universidad del Pacífico
    Escuela de Postgrado


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