
  • Márcio Luiz Marietto Anhembi-Morumbi University – Laureate International Universities
  • Maria Henriqueta Gimenes Minasse Minasse Anhembi-Morumbi University – Laureate International Universities
  • Isabel Cristina Scafuto UNINOVE
  • Sergio Luiz do Amaral Moretti Anhembi-Morumbi University – Laureate International Universities



Strategy as practice, Marketing, Hospitality, Ethnography.


This research aimed offering different perspectives to observe the phenomenon of strategic practice for survival of small stores located in a cluster. We observed how sellers and managers of these stores, embedded in an institutional environment linked to rituals and symbolism of wedding; apply the elements of hedonism and hospitality to support their strategic sales activities. The study used ethnographic procedures in the largest Latin American cluster of brides’ stores and examined how managers of small stores of  products for brides perform their strategic work of sales promotion. The results indicated that the institutional attributes of the symbolic wedding ritual allow the interaction of managers in their strategic practices using, as tools, marketing hospitality elements providing legitimacy and, consequently, the survival of these types of organizations. 

Author Biographies

  • Márcio Luiz Marietto, Anhembi-Morumbi University – Laureate International Universities
    Professor Pesquisador no Mestrado e Doutorado em Hospitalidade
  • Maria Henriqueta Gimenes Minasse Minasse, Anhembi-Morumbi University – Laureate International Universities
    Professora e Pesquisadora no Mestrado e Doutorado em Hospitalidade
  • Isabel Cristina Scafuto, UNINOVE

    Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração - UNINOVE

  • Sergio Luiz do Amaral Moretti, Anhembi-Morumbi University – Laureate International Universities
    Coordenador do Mestrado Profissional em Administração (Gestão em Alimentos e Bebidas)


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