
  • Andressa Gonçalves SENAC Blumenau
  • Liliane Liliane de Souza Vieira da Silva Universidade Regional de Blumenau



Organizational Learning, Learning Processes, Textile industry


Organizational learning capacity is defined by Chiva, Alegre and Lapiedra (2007) as a set of organizational characteristics that facilitate learning at all the levels in a company. The objective of this study was to identify the presence of the dimensions of organizational learning - Experimentation, Propensity to risks, interaction with the external environment, Dialogue and Participatory Decision Making in a textile industry. The research was descriptive, survey and quantitative. The sample was composed by 137 respondents. The analysis was done by structural equation modeling. The results indicated that the propensity to risk showed greater influence on organizational learning, the other dimensions also had influence, with lower amplitude. The lower impact dimension was the Participatory Decision Making. This can be associated with the survey respondents, because they were employees of all levels, whose may or may not participate in organizational decisions.

Author Biographies

  • Andressa Gonçalves, SENAC Blumenau
  • Liliane Liliane de Souza Vieira da Silva, Universidade Regional de Blumenau


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