
  • Ricardo Lebbos Favoreto Universidade Estadual do Paraná, UNESPAR e Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE/SP
  • Fernando Antônio Ribeiro Serra Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE/SP
  • Marcio Luiz Marietto UNINOVE - Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração



Strategic Action, Midsize Enterprise, Multi case Studies.


Strategic action has been usually studied taken large organizations as space of occurrence. Recognizing that distinct sizes require different actuation modes, we proceed to conception of substantive propositions about the strategic action which sustains the Midsize Enterprise. Therefore, the cases of three real estate family incorporation were examined. The data collect and analisys procedures were operated by a longitudinal multi case study based on qualitative approach. The results showed the existence of particular characteristics of strategic behavior of midsize enterprise.

Author Biography

  • Fernando Antônio Ribeiro Serra, Universidade Nove de Julho, UNINOVE/SP
    Professor e Pesquisador do Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado


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