
  • Maria Helena Rossetto Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Andréa Paula Segatto Universidade Federal do Paraná



Strategic Alliance, Alliance Management, Relational capabilities of management.


The purpose of this study is to identify how the relational capabilities of managing international alliances differ according to those developed in national alliances. Thereunto, these paper investigates the internationalization process of a Brazilian company in the pharmaceutical sector, in order to identify the consolidation of strategic alliances, to analyze the strategic partnership formed by this company to operate in domestic and foreign market, in terms of its main characteristics and ways of management, to identify the relational management capabilities developed (technological, human, based in managing systems and cultural) by means of specific routines (coordination, learning, sensing and transformation) and to compare the results. The research is classified as qualitative with a single case study, characterized as field research, documentary, ex post facto. In conclusion, it was observed that there is parity between the characteristics of the observed alliances and the literature, and that there are differences between national and international alliances, regarding to relational capabilities, although small ones.


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