
  • Davi Baasch UDESC - Santa Catarina State University
  • Simone Ghisi Feuerschütte UDESC - Santa Catarina State University
  • Jorge Braun Neto UDESC - Santa Catarina State University
  • Leandro Leite UDESC - Santa Catarina State University




abusive supervision, leadership, systematic review, bullying.


Abusive supervision (AS) expresses leadership actions recognized as hostile. This article addresses AS in organizational contexts based on a review of scientific production in the last twenty years. 67 theoretical-empirical studies were analyzed. We found eight specialized journals with publications since 2006, and 185 authors with research conducted in 83 countries. Tepper (2000) was de main reference indicated. Subordinates are the main source of data. The quantitative design was unanimous, presenting different data analysis techniques. Predominant theoretical and analytical models, more evident AS antecedents and consequences in the research are discussed. 


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