From the Pre-Cartesian to the Contemporary Subject: The New Forms of Jouissance of the Other




Collapse of the law. Subject. Name-of-the-father. Other. Jouissance.


This article analyzes the relations between the subject and the big Other based on the recent cultural, political, and economic transformations. Based on Charles Melman’s current proposition about a new psychic economy organized by jouissance and the obliteration of limits, we try to connect this subjective condition to the impasses that indicate the collapse of the symbolic institution. This work is divided into three sections: the first describes the pre-Cartesian subject, representative of the psychic economy organized by the repression. The next section describes the Cartesian subject, characterized by rational thinking and the ambiguities that made possible the advance of the scientific discourse and the birth of psychoanalysis. Finally, we discuss the contemporary subject and their relation to law and jouissance. We reflect on the possible consequences related to the decline of the symbolic order and question the subject’s status of freedom in the face of the big Other.

Author Biographies

  • Vitor Augusto Werner dos Reis, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
    Graduado em psicologia e mestre em linguística pela UFSC. Psicanalista, membro da Maiêutica Florianópolis - Instituição Psicanalítica e doutorando do Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciências da Linguagem da UNISUL na área de Texto e Discurso
  • Maurício Eugênio Maliska, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina
    Psicanalista, membro de Maiêutica Florianópolis – Instituição Psicanalítica. Psicólogo, mestre e doutor em Linguística pela UFSC, com doutorado sanduíche na École Doctorale Recherches en Psychopathologie et Psychanalyse de l’Université Paris VII. Professor de Psicanálise na Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (UNISUL)





Dossiê: Sujeito do inconsciente / Sujeito da cultura