Mia Couto and the Architecture of Deconstruction


  • Rodrigo Ferreira Daverni




African literatures in Portuguese, Mozambique, Mia Couto, Literary space


Here a brief assessment of Mia Couto’s biography is made, particularly of those aspects that played a role indispensable in his formation as a writer, as follows: his experience with foreign cultures (at home, the West; in the streets, the story tellers, as he would call them), and in a special way, his jobs as a journalist and as a biologist, which allowed him to travel through diverse spaces in Mozambique and, with that, to make contact with the cultural diversity of his own country. It is worth to stress such aspects, since they made possible for the author not only to get in touch with rural cosmovisions, but also to make a reading still more thorough of its Nature, its rivers and lands, resulting, in relation to his literature, in the exploration of a number of possibilities to build the literary spaciality, in a way to revive, by means of the magic of the word, the grey martial legacy of human greed.

Author Biography

  • Rodrigo Ferreira Daverni
    Docente de Teoria da Literatura e Língua Portuguesa do Centro Universitário Claretiano de Batatais.

