On Lugar


  • Juan Carlos Mondragon




Speculative anthropology, Fragment, Lugar, T. W. Adorno, Anthropological aspect


Lugar is the last book of tales written by Juan Jose Saer. The Communications intends to explain that punctual regress to the brief form and finds explanations related to three types. The first is the possibility to present at the same corpus a polyphony of voices and situations, an access to spaces and times that in its Diversity confirms the modernity. Then, the tale is observed in its technical possibilities, but also in its specific knowledge aspect, which the author denotes as speculative anthropology. Finally, the project Lugar approaches to the notion of “fragment” in the critical meaning just as it is defined in the works of T. W. Adorno. Loss of the center and unity, but the need of the devise of a narrative witness in view of the chaos installed in the 20th century.

Author Biography

  • Juan Carlos Mondragon
    Universidad Lille III. El trabajo se publico por primera vez en Actes 10. Actas del coloquio internacional La obra de Juan Jose Saer, La Grande Motte, mayo 2002, Centre d’etudes et de recherches  sociocritiques, Montpellier.

