Experience drives: the present and the documentary in contemporary Argentine literature


  • Esteban Dipaola
  • María Gerzovich




Present literature, Documentary, Experience, Post autonomy, Generations


The article proposes to think the characteristics of contemporary Argentine literature, from three connected themes: a) present literature; b) documentary literature; c) temporality and generations. The main objective is to analyze changes in the literary field and the non-representational form of current literature. For this purpose, it is argued that literature is post-autonomous and its dimensions are post-production and the trans-medial, in addition to the intertextual, as well as a treatment on the fictional with no pretension of realism or plausibility. Thus, contemporary Argentine literature addresses what is called an experience-driven narrativity. To understand this, some recent novels are taken as examples, and it is argued that writers compose a generation that refers repeatedly to the decade of the 90’s to shape their narratives, thereby constructing the intimacy and affectivities of their own experiences.

Author Biographies

  • Esteban Dipaola
    Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires - UBA. Profesor regular en la misma institución.
  • María Gerzovich
    Estudiante de la Licenciatura en Sociologia de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.





Dossier: A Network of cultures: literature, media, affects