The reception spaces of transnational cinemas: proposals for a semiopragmatics approach


  • Mahomed Bamba



Transnational Cinema, Reception, Africain cinema, Semiopragmatics


What are the determinations contextual and institutional involved in reception transnational films? Following a line of thought that lies between geopolitical and semiopragmatics contemporary film approaches, we bring some theoretical and methodological considerations about modes of reading and interpretation of world cinema in academic spaces. We review the main theoretical conceptions about the phenomenon of "transnationality". Examine the logic of forming communities of interpretation, value systems and the horizons of expectations in the heteroclite entity defined by Elsaesser and Hagener (2010) as "transnational community of ideas." We start by this category (geographical, while theoretical) to rethink the studies of world cinema as a field of micro-communication spaces, reception and reading filmic (ODIN, 2011). By this theoretical reconstruction, we re-evaluate, finally, the issue of (in) variants in the negotiation process of the senses of contemporary films Africans in the "discursive space" university.

Author Biography

  • Mahomed Bamba
    Doutor em Cinema pela USP-ECA. Professor Adjunto II da Faculdade de Comunicação e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Cultura Contemporâneas – Poscom da Universidade Federal da Bahia – FACOM/UFBA.





Dossiê: Cinemas Mundiais