The Myth of Orpheus and Um trem para as estrelas: song and film


  • Jussara Bittencourt de Sá



Myth of Orpheus, Music, Cinema


This study analyzes the transit of the myth of Orpheus, based on those inter and intratextual aspects in the works Um Trem para as Estrelas (song and film). The theoretical frame is based on reflections on literary and cinematographic languages, with an emphasis on Bakhtinian theories on heteroglossia, dialogism, polyphony and carnivalization. The film Um Trem para as Estrelas (1987), by director Carlos (Cacá) Diegues presents the odyssey of Vinicius/Vina (Guilherme Fontes) in search of his beloved Eunice/Nicinha (Ana Beatriz Witgen), as well as his acclaim as a musician. The song “Um Trem para as Estrelas” was composed by Cazuza and Gilberto Gil, to be included in the film’s sound track. In the analysis here made one also evaluates the presence of the persona of Cazuza, as he performs as himself in the film. One also calls attention to the irony that appears in both works. Through the consonance verse/scenes one perceives the peculiar way in which the Myth of Orpheus appears in the poem/song and film/images.

Author Biography

  • Jussara Bittencourt de Sá
    Doutora em Literatura pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Professora titular da Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem e do curso de Letras da Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina




