Dialogues between naturology and health anthropology


  • Ana Cláudia Moraes Barros Leite-Mor LAPACIS-DMPS-FCM-UNICAMP
  • Luana Maribele Wedekin UNISUL


Naturology, Health Anthropology, Interagency


The Naturology Field consolidates as a new field of knowledge in the Health Area. Along with disciplines current in this area, those largely based in the biomedical model, Naturology searches for an integral view of the human, based on tradicional and sistemic medicines. The present article proposes a reflection, based on the Health Anthropology, about  two issues of Naturology: one, the dialogue that establishes between traditional medicines (Ayurvedic, Shamanic and Chinese) and biomedical knowledge, its interdisciplinary foundation; two, its therapeutic approach praxis to the individual, known as interagency. This dialogue intends to apply reflections of the Health Anthropology, such as “knowledge relativization”, the “medical rationatilities”, among others; to epistemological issues of Naturology. Intends to concomitantly explore the contextualization of Naturology into the human sciences, considering that it is an interdisciplinary field which combines knowledge from both areas of study, natural and human. In conclusion, maintaining dialogue with the humanities, in particular with anthropology, is of fundamental importance to Naturology, whereby it seeks a integral view; and the experience of health and disease can be understood as a human phenomenon, concomitantly and beyond the natural and biological phenomenon.

Author Biographies

  • Ana Cláudia Moraes Barros Leite-Mor, LAPACIS-DMPS-FCM-UNICAMP
    Formada em Naturologia Aplicada pela Unisul, trabalha hoje no Laboratório de Práticas Alternativas, Complementares e Integrativas em Saúde o Departamento de Medicina Preventiva da Social da Faculdade de Medicina da UNICAMP.
  • Luana Maribele Wedekin, UNISUL
    Vice-coordenadora do curso de Naturologia Aplicada da UNISUL e docente das disciplinas de Arteterapia I e II e do estágio supervisionado. Doutoranda da Universidade Fereral de Santa Catarina.






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