
  • Marilda de Paula SILVEIRA



Given the paradigm shift caused by new technologies, should the State play any role in combating misinformation in elections? This is the question to be addressed in the research that will lead to the scientific article. Assuming that it is necessary to gauge how far misinformation has been tackled in the electoral process with the emergence of new technologies through jurisprudential research. After preliminary research into the Superior electoral Court (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral -TSE) case-law and into the twenty-seven regional electoral courts, the hypothesis is that misinformation was not addressed as a relevant object aimed at protecting the freedom of voting. The exception would derive from decisions on the improper use of media (article 22 of LC 64/90). Restricting the disclosure of facts that are knowingly untrue or false advertising was more concerned with the protection of individual rights (such as the right of reply, image and honor) than with freedom of voting. From this analysis, we will try to understand how new technologies may potentially influence the freedom of voting based on how previous bibliographical research assessed the impact of misinformation brought by traditional media. Given the result, we propose to assess what has been presented as an alternative to deal with this new scenario of misinformation and whether the State has another role in this task beyond the jurisdictional and executive functions in public education policies. One possible approach would be the strategy of incentivizing actions by stakeholders aimed at broadening the voters' capacity to dialogue with all information they receive. Without searching an actor to stand as judge of truth.

KEYWORDS: Misinformation; Election; Judge of truth; Freedom of voting; Technology.



Diante da mudança de paradigma provocada pelas novas tecnologias, o Estado deve desenvolver algum papel no combate à desinformação nas eleições? Como pressuposto, entende-se necessário analisar como a desinformação foi tratada no processo eleitoral até o surgimento das novas tecnologias, o que se fará por meio de pesquisa jurisprudencial. A hipótese, após pesquisa preliminar na base jurisprudencial do TSE e dos vinte e sete tribunais regionais eleitoral, é de que a desinformação não foi tratada como objeto relevante voltado à proteção da liberdade do voto. A exceção ficaria por conta de alguns julgados que cuidam do uso indevidos dos meios de comunicação. A restrição à divulgação de fatos sabidamente inverídicos ou propaganda falsa voltava-se mais à proteção de direitos individuais (como no direito de resposta, a imagem e a honra) que à liberdade do voto. A partir dessa análise, verificar-se-á como as novas tecnologias têm potencial de influenciar a liberdade do voto a partir de levantamento bibliográfico que deu tratamento às mídias tradicionais. Avalia-se o que se apresenta como alternativa para lidar com esse novo cenário de desinformação e se o Estado tem outro papel além da função jurisdicional e do dever de desenvolver uma política pública de educação.

PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Desinformação; Eleições; Juiz da verdade; Liberdade do voto; Tecnologia.

Biografia do Autor

  • Marilda de Paula SILVEIRA
    Master of administrative law and Ph.D. in public law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Coordinator of the graduate programs in electoral law at the School of Law of Brasília - EDB / IDP. Professor of the undergraduate program in administrative and electoral law of the School of Law of Brasília - EDB / IDP. Professor of the master's degree program in the of research Constitution and Society of the School of Law of Brasília - EDB / IDP. Leader in Network Research on Campaign Financing and Constitution. Founding member of ABRADEP (Brazilian Academy of Electoral and Political Law) and director of IBRADE (Brazilian Institute of Electoral Law). Partner of Silveira e Unes Advogados Associados and Regional Coordinator of the NGO Transparencia Electoral





