A theoretical-methodological journey for the study of genre constellations


  • Júlio César Araújo Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)


Genre constellation, Sphere of communication, Transmutation, Communicative purpose


In this essay, I propose a theoretical-methodological journey that permits to substantiate a possible reflection about the phenomenon of discursive genre grouping. Therefore, I undertake an analysis of the arguments of Marcuschi (2000) and Bakhtin ([1929] 2002) about the groups of genres. Although there are discrepancies between both proposals for conceiving a constellation of genres, it is possible to establish a consensual point between these researchers in that both highlight the tendencies of the genres to variations and transmutations. The effects of this analysis permit the conclusion that a study which will undertake the characterization of a genre constellation must be structured from three fundamental thematic axles: the sphere(s) of communication in which such genres adapt themselves; the tracks left during its process of formation and the communicative purposes attended by each genre inside the constellation. 

Author Biography

  • Júlio César Araújo, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)
    Professor e Pesquisador no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística (PPGL) do Departamento de Letras Vernáculas da UFC, onde coordena o grupo de pesquisa Hiperged. Atua na área de Linguística Aplicada em interface com Pragmática, Análise do Discurso e Linguística Textual. À luz dessa interface estuda as relações entre linguagem e tecnologia digital, com especial atenção aos seguintes temas: gêneros digitais, letramentos na web, EaD, convergência de mídias e hipertexto. Atualmente é vice-presidente da Associação Brasileira de Estudos sobre Hipertexto e Tecnologia Educacional (ABEHTE) e da Associação de Linguística Aplicada do Brasil (ALAB).




