Short enunciations: Discourse genres, aphorization, media and politics


  • Roberto Leiser Baronas Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Political discourse, Short enunciation, Aphorization and media


The main goal in this study is to try and understand the role of the mediatic machine in the process of production, distribution and making of the political information in the 2010 Brazilian presidential elections. For such, an analysis was made based on Discourse Analysis, more specifically the works by Dominique Maingueneau (2007, 2010a e 2010b), of a corpus constituted by short enunciations attributed to the then candidates Dilma Roussef and José Serra as presented by the Brazilian electronic media in 2010. Initially a definition was presented of the characteristics of the “short enunciation”, in order to make a distinction between it and other enunciations like slogans and proverbs. In a second, move the enunciative characteristics of such short sentences that intend to call attention were evinced, as well as the genre, linguistic and semiotic determinants employed by the mediatic actors as they stressed these short enunciations. Finally, a description is made of how such enunciations are put out of the original context, in a move to understand how they are subjected to the discursive regime of aphorization.





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