Subject, discourse and urban life: a contrastive study of discourses on social exclusion in Brazil and in Spain


  • Anna Elizabeth Balocco
  • Maria Labarta Postigo


Gender, Identity, Social exclusion, Music, Videoclip


This is a contrastive study of discourses on social exclusion through the analysis of videoclips produced by female rappers in Brazil and in Spain, from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis and with a focus on the construction of identity. Analysis of the identification practices of the rappers suggests that alterity is expressed in distinct ways in their discourses: while in the Brazilian rapper´s discourse, the “other” is articulated through lexicogrammatical strategies of indetermination (“people”) or abstraction (“society”), in the Spanish rapper´s the strategies are of functionalization (“politicians”) and objectivization (“money”). In other words, there is more indetermination of the “other” in the case of the Brazilian rapper.





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