Dialogue: practical argumentation and conditions of affectivity


  • Jorge Campos da Costa
  • Jonas Rodrigues Saraiva


Dialogue, Inference, Emotion, Argument


This essay is an attempt to an interdisciplinary approach to practical argumentative dialogue in its logic and affective dimension, from the perspective of a theoretical design in which reason and emotion coexist in a natural relationship between natural rationality and formal rationality. The assumptions are that dialogue is the locus classicus of practical reasoning in their linguistic-cognitive-communicative structure; that rationality, represented by deduction, stricto sensu, is the subject of a discipline, namely the Classical Logic; and that this discipline can be included in a lato sensu perspective of rationality, subject of an interdisciplinary approach in which coexist Logic, Linguistics, Cognitive Psychology, Communication Theory among others. Central to the research is the identification of inference in its various dimensions within the mentioned areas, the play of the language of the emotions, and their connections with the real conditions in the perspective of the validity and acceptability of arguments.

Author Biographies

  • Jorge Campos da Costa
    Professor do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras.
  • Jonas Rodrigues Saraiva
    Doutorando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras.




