The (dis)order of the Image in Brazilian Political Communication: Analytical Possibilities from Discursive Theorical-Notion of Relations of Inter-Scenography


  • Roberto Leiser Baronas


Discourse, Image, Enunciative scene, Relations of inter-scenography


In this text, that the image while "an operator of social memory within our culture" like any other discourse, is engendered by a discursive order as well as by a discursive disorder and that these discursive (dis)orders occur in generic scenes quite marked institutionally. By assuming that the postulate from different discursive (dis)orders construct not only verbal, but also the image, our specific question in this paper is how, in a discursive way, can we apprehend this (dis)order image in the digital political communication? What conceptual tools could we mobilize to understand the (dis)order of the image in political communication? Those questions we are supporting theoretically and methodologically on Dominique Maingueneau's propositions (2006 and 2013b), more specifically in the conceptual triad encompassing scene, generic scene and scenography, making the last notion creak while discursive relations of inter-scenography and, for this paper, it was collected a small set of images, specifically photographs, that circulated in Brazilian's digital media and social networks between the years 2011-2015, as a political communication about the political actor Dilma Rousseff.

Author Biography

  • Roberto Leiser Baronas
    Doutor em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa pela FCL/UNESP – Câmpus de Araraquara; professor associado no Departamento de Letras da UFSCar e pesquisador do CNPq, nível 02.





Research article