Constitutive elements of utterance in its dialogic relationships: an example of analysis


  • Lucas Vinício de Carvalho Maciel


Dialogic relationships, Narration, Unicamp entrance exam


From proposals of the Bakhtin Circle, we discuss how the dialogical links can appear in a real utterance. For this purpose, we analyzed a narrative composition written during the first phase of Unicamp (State University of Campinas) entrance exam in 2000. This text is an adequate example to investigate the dialogical links because at this context, the candidate needs to dialogue with the instructions of the test and with a collection of texts that underlies the writing proposal of the essay. The analysis proposed shows how the dialogic relationships, which are constitutive of discourse genre, are manifested in the thematic content, in the compositional construction and in the style of the utterance.

Author Biography

  • Lucas Vinício de Carvalho Maciel
    Professor Adjunto III.  Doutor em Linguística Aplicada/ IEL-Unicamp





Research article