The telenovela of 23h:a description of the genre from the perspective of Semiolinguistics theory


  • Leonardo Coelho Corrêa-Rosado
  • Mônica Santos de Souza Melo


Semiolinguistics, Discursive Genre, Telenovela


Since 2011, Globo presents, usually in the second term and in the time range of 23 hours, a remake of a telenovela of great repercussion on previous decades. Besides being played on different time in comparison with the default of the station, those telenovelas have other features, such as a lesser extent. This study aims to describe the situational genre telenovela from one of its formats: telenovela of 23h. For this description, we consider the examples shown so far: O Astro, displayed in 2011; Gabriela, displayed in 2012; and Saramandaia, displayed in 2013. Our theoretical-methodological approach is based on the assumptions of the Semiolinguistcs by Patrick Charaudeau (1983, 1992, 2004) and on the concept of format presented by Aronchi de Souza (2004).

Author Biographies

  • Leonardo Coelho Corrêa-Rosado
    Doutorando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Linguísticos. Bolsista CAPES/DS
  • Mônica Santos de Souza Melo
    Professora Associada II. Doutora em Estudos Linguísticos pela UFMG





Research article