The Brazilian chronic woven by history, by the journalism and literature


  • Silvânia Siebert


Chronicle, Genre, Statement, History, Journalism, Literature


In this text, we analyze how the genre of the historical chronicle begins to function in the nineteenth century as a Brazilian chronic. Thus we analyze the chain of meanings that is constructed with the genre along its discursive course, focusing primarily on the discursive web of discourses of History, Journalism and of Literature. The theoretical perspective underlying this reflection is mainly based on readings of Bakhtin (2003), Grillo (2006), and Machado (2005) on genres, and Alencar (2003), Braga (2011), Coutinho (2003), Candido (1992), Meyer (1992), and Santos (2005), among others, on the chronicle and its functioning.

Author Biography

  • Silvânia Siebert
    Doutora em Linguística Aplicada pela UNICAMP. Professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Linguagem da Unisul.



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