Carving and boundaries: transcribed compositions between the Brazilian and the Argentinian rock


  • Adrián Pablo Fanjul Universidade de São Paulo


Person in enunciation, Rock discursivity, Comparative studies between Brazil and Argentina


Here we approach some configurations in the representation of several types of personal entities in enunciation, in a comparison between Brazilian and Argentinean discursivities. The cases in study are poetic-musical compositions in the rock music, transcribed from one country to the other. We work with a theoretical and methodological reference based on the enunciativediscourse analysis. We observed the changes which are produced in the passage of the compositions from one discursivity and language to the other, regarding the contour of the figures and voices represented in the enunciation. We found in the Argentinian productions a tendency to reinforce these contours while a higher permeability to the represented surroundings was observed in the Brazilian productions.

Author Biography

  • Adrián Pablo Fanjul, Universidade de São Paulo
    Professor Doutor na Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. Pesquisador nivel 2 do CNPq.





Research article