The construction of criticism in reviews produced by students


  • Flávio Luis Freire Rodrigues Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Subjectivity, Gender Discourse, Text production, Review


Usually, the production of texts by the students is guided by the school not to openly express their opinion or point of view. They learn the ways to hide their subjectivity. In the production of reviews, one must let the students express their opinion in order to criticize the subject reviewed, since criticism is one of the constituent elements of such a genre. Therefore, students are asked to do the opposite way and rescue their lost or forgotten subjectivity. This article discusses how this issue has been worked with high school students in the writing of reviews in classes of text production at a public school in Londrina, by analyzing their texts. We also want to investigate how students use the modal verbs in their texts. The approach used in the analysis and text production by students was the discursive or textual genres. This paper was a part of my doctoral work.

Author Biography

  • Flávio Luis Freire Rodrigues, Universidade Estadual de Londrina
    Departamento de Letras Vernáculas e Clássicas / Área de Língua Portuguesa





Research article