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Author Guidelines

Norms for publication

1) Authotship

a) Only contributions from Doctors or doctoral students in co-authorship with doctoral professors will be accepted;

b) the Editorial Board understands that the student's supervision should not be taken as a co-authorship. In articles derived from PhD research studies (completed or in progress) the supervisor or another researcher only can compose the authorship if the work has his/her effective intellectual participation and originality;

c) papers with more than three authors will not be accepted.

d) In case of partnership, the contribution of each author mus be recorded in Comments to the editor, in the submission, and at the end of the revised and approved text for publication.

e) Orcid identifier must be included in the author’s metadata.

2) Text sections

a) title (in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English language, as the case may be); maximum: 15 words;

b) abstract (ABNT/NBR 6028) with 100 to 150 words. The abstracts must include: the work' s subject and/or aim(s), the theoretical base and the most important conclusions. In the case of research article abstracts, it is also important to explain the methodology (sample analyzed, participants, procedures etc.);

c) keywords (between 3 and 5). The keywords must be, if possible, those familiar in the area. They must be written in the singular form and arranged from the most general to the most specific. The author should, as much as possible, use two-word expressions maximum;

d) title, abstract and keywords translated into English Language, if the text was written in Spanish, French or Portuguese, and into Portuguese, if written in English Language;

e) body of the work containing numbered internal divisions starting from 1, except in the case of reviews.

Research articles must contain, preferably, the following internal divisions: introduction, theoretical background, methodology, findings, concluding remarks.

Essays must contain, at least: introduction, discussion and concluding remarks.

The debates must contain, preferably: introduction, description of the work under debate, critical positioning and concluding remarks; the author may combine the description of the work under debate and the critical positioning.

The retrospectives must contain, preferably: introduction, history of the debates related to the subject on focus, critical positioning, concluding remarks; the author may combine the history and the critical positioning sections;

f) Total text size: 5,000 to 9,000 words. Reviews should have between 1,000 and 1,500 words.

g) references according to the most recent Brazilian stylesheet (ABNT style);

h) appendix, if the author finds it necessary.

3) Text formatting

a) We suggest an approximation to the journal’s format published in .pdf. Layout: top, left, right: 3,0; bottom: 2,5.

b) long quotations (with more than 3 lines long) must be indented. If the quotation is being made inside a paragraph, it' s necessary to use double inverted commas. Italics should not be used to differentiate the text from the quotation. For a quotation inside a quotation, use single inverted commas;

c) tables, pictures and illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphs etc.) must come ready to be printed and in the place intended by the author. Tables, pictures, graphs etc. must be numbered from 1, according to their type, and each one must have a title which summarizes its contents. We ask authors to make reference to the illustrations by means of their numbers, avoiding expressions such as "according to the table below";

d) references in the body of the work must be presented as examples: (STUBBS, 1983, p. xx); Stubbs (1983, p. xx);

e) according to international criteria, the author(s) should control the quotes from other works carried out by himself/herself;

f) footnotes should be used for complementary explanations only, and not for referencing purposes.

4) Examples of references following the ABNT stylesheet:

a) STUBBS, M. Discourse analysis: the sociolinguistic analysis of natural language. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press; Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publisher, 1983.

b) PRIOR, P. Tracing process: how texts come into being. In: BAZERMAN; C.; PRIOR, P. (Eds.). What writing does and how it does it: an introduction to analyzing texts and textual practices. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. p. 167-200.

c) FAIRCLOUGH, N. Critical Discourse Analysis and the marketization of public discourse: the universities. Discourse & Society, v. 4, n. 2, p. 133-168, 1993.

d) MARTIN, J. Mourning: how we get aligned. Discourse & Society, v. 15, n. 2-3: "Interpreting tragedy: the language of September 11th, 2001" special double issue ed. by John Edwards and J. R. Martin, p. 321-344, 2004.

e) SWALES, J. Worlds of genre - metaphors of genre. In: INTERNACIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON GENRE STUDIES (SIGET), 4., Tubarão, SC, Brazil. Proceedings... Tubarão: UNISUL, 2007. p. 147-157.

We particularly advise the authors to check if the references present in the body of the work are also present in the final reference list, and vice-versa.

5) Sending the work

a) the work (no authorial identification, including the text properties from word) must be submitted to the journal by the author (or one of the authors) via Unisul journals homepage;

b) the file containing the work must be sent in a ".doc" or ".docx” version (Word for Windows)". Maximum: 12 MB.

c) the author in charge of sending the work must include, also as an attachment, a file containing the responsibility statement properly filled and signed. In order to access the statement, view Submission conditions.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Submission conditions

    • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not under evaluation by another journal.

    • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word format.
    • URLs for references were informed, when necessary.
    • Long quotes (more than 3 lines) present margin indent. Quotes within the paragraph present double quotation marks in the beginning and the end. Italic is not used to highlight quotes from the text. Quote inside a quote is delimited by single quotation marks.
    • Tables, boards and illustrations (pictures, drawings, graphs, etc.) are Tables, boards, graphs, etc. are numbered from 1, according to the type, content, each item, with a title contemplating the content. Mentions to the illustrations are carried out by number.
    • References on the body of the word are presented according to examples: (STUBBS, 1983, p. xx); Stubbs (1983, p. xx).
    • Footnotes present only complementary explanations and not bibliographic references
    • References are disposed according to the ABNT norms.
    • The text follows the style patterns and bibliographic requirements described on the Instructions to the authors, on the section About the Journal.
    • The authorship  was removed from the file and from the option Properties on the Word, ensuring the journal’s confidentiality criterion when performing the peer evaluation,acording to the instructions available at Ensuring the double blind evaluation by peers.
    1. Send the statement of responsibility properly filled and signed. Click here to download it. You should send it by TRANSFER OF SUPPLEMENTARY DOCUMENTS.

Research Articles

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Reservado para edição especial organizada por pesquisadores, podendo incluir artigos, ensaios, debates, retrospectivas. Os textos são filtrados pelos organizadores e seguem, no mais, a política dos textos de fluxo contínuo. O dossiê terá de cinco a dez artigos.

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