About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Editorial Policy

Linguagem em (Dis) curso - LemD - is a three times a year publication open to contributors from Brazil and abroad with a focus on issues relating to the fields of text and discourse. The works published by the journal, therefore, are restricted to the objects text and discourse, separately or in their intersection, and to the theories related to these two objects.

The journal receives texts in a continuous flow.

There are no fees for submitting and publishing articles on LemD.

Submission Conditions

1. The submission will be carried out through the Portal de Periódicos Unisul.

2. The works submitted can take the form of an article, an assay, a debate or a state of the art as original works dealing with research or theoretical discussions, or a book review. When the author submits his/her text s/he is automatically declaring that s/he hasn't submitted it to any other publication, periodical or in an edition.

3. In case of a retaken (of a text published by Linguagem em (Dis)curso or another journal/work) to be reviewed and/or enlargement, this condition have to be explicit and submitted to the editors to verify the pertinence.

4. The texts may be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French.

5. The texts have to be formatted under ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas) rules.

6. In case it is necessary, the author should produce a written statement of conflict of interests, specifying the kind of conflict.

7. Any sponsoring agency which contributed to the development of the research should be mentioned in the work.

8. Every research study involving human beings or animals should be previously approved by the ethics board. In such cases, the protocol number from the ethics board should be mentioned in the work.

9. The texts will be sent without authors’ identification (use XXX in the references) – S. norms for publication.

10. The editors hold the right not to publish texts by the same author (or authors) within less than two editions;

11. Submissions returned twice for failing to comply with LemD standards will not be received again.

Genres accepted in the journal

(In the beginning of the text, the author must indicate to what category, in his own judgement, the work belongs.)

a) research article - text ranging from 5,000 words (minimum) up to 9,000 words, containing the report of one empirical research;

b) essay - text ranging from 5,000 (minimum) up to 9,000 words, containing the discussion of a theoretical issue relevant to the field to which it belongs;

c) debate - text ranging from 5,000 (minimum) up to 9,000 words, involving a critical dialogue with another text published in the journal;

d) retrospective - text ranging from 5,000 words (minimum) up to 9,000 words, a containing a critical and historical analysis of theories, approaches or research traditions (in the areas of text and discourse);

e) review - text ranging from 1,000 words (minimum) up to 1,500 words, containing the indication and the critical review of works, books, theses, monographs, etc. which have been published no longer than two years previously. LemD privileges the evaluation of Brazilian editions.

Word counting in all cases above includes the references and appendixes.

Special issues or thematic dossiers

Linguagem em (Dis)curso can launch a call for papers on specific themes, or invite researchers to organize special issues or thematic dossiers. These special issues or dossiers can also result from spontaneous proposals

submitted by renowned scholars in the field of the publication. Submissions must be formally presented by the author(s) by means of a specific form, to be sent after manifestation of interest. Once approved, the organizers will prepare a chronogram to follow and supervise the process. Articles included in the special issues must go through the same external evaluation process as those submitted to the journal's regular issues, and must follow the journal's editorial guidelines.

Peer Review Process

Peer reviewed evaluation

The texts received go through a two-phase evaluation process.

In the first, carried out by the editors, aspects related to the suitability of manuscripts to the editorial norms. In this stage, the text can be disqualified if:

a) it does not comply with the ABNT stylesheet or with the journal guidelines;

b) it amounts to a review of literature with no critical stance;

c) the text is inadequate (not in accordance with the genres accepted by the journal; presenting cohesion problems; etc.); and

d) the text presents formatting problems (indentation done through the space bar, blank lines between paragraphs and references, colored graphs and figures which do not allow appropriate visualization.

In the second stage, the texts selected by the editors are sent to two anonymous readers who evaluate them in terms of form and content. Two negative opinions result in the text being disqualified. In case of differing opinions,the decision will be up to the editors.

At any stage, however, procedures related to research ethics are considered, including regarding the originality of the texts.

General criteria for text evaluation

a) contribution for knowledge in the field;

b) theme setting;

c) methodology regarding to the genre;

d) theoretical consciousness;

e) Theoretical adequacy and analysis/discussion;

f) answer to the aims and questions/matters;

g) linguistic formulation;

h) coherence in the relation title/abstract/text;

i) current and relevance references.

Once submitted the work, the authors should not require its removal until finish the pending, except by excessive delay on information about the result and if the evaluation are not occurring.

The editors should be consulted if there is interest on re-publication (as a chapter) or translating to publish overseas – in this case, the original source has to be explicit.

The issues of Linguagem em (Dis)curso are published before express authorization by the writers, over who are all the respective legal responsibilities regarding to the information served. A Statement of responsibility should be filled and signed by the author(s) when the text submission (V. Submission conditions).


  • EBSCO Publishing
  • Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts: Base de Dados: Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • Linguistics Abstracts (Blackwell Publishing)
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
  • DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals
  • CLASE: Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
  • Latindex: Sistema Regional de Informação para Revistas Científicas da América Latina, Caribe, Espanha e Portugal
  • Dialnet (Universidad de La Rioja)
  • JOURNALSEEK: Genamics JournalSeek
  • CAPES: Portal de Periódicos
  • OASIS.BR: Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
  • Geodados: Indexador - Universidade Estadual de Maringá - ISSN 1518-7667
  • CABELL's Database

Qualis CAPES

Qualis A1 (SciELO)