Multicentric caries prevention program: Mechanical control of dental plaque through periodic professional oral prophylaxis. A 10 years follow up


  • José Eduardo de Oliveira Lima
  • Cristiane Almeida Baldini Cardoso
  • Gladis Benjamina Grazziotin
  • Heitor Marques Honório
  • Ronize Fátima Pigosso Mocelini
  • Luely Ribeiro de Carros Santos e Silva
  • Elisa Kumiko Nackachima
  • Daniela Carmesini de Oliveira Lima



AIM: To verify the incidence of dental caries in a multicentric prevention program applied in pediatric dentistry clinics from different regions of Brazil for 10 years, and compare with results obtained by previous studies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 697 children of both genders, ranging from 30 months to 15 years, were included in a primary preventive strategy program for mechanical control of dental plaque through professional prophylaxis (sodium bicarbonate jet on a monthly schedule). Diagnosis of carious lesions was assessed by monthly clinical examinations and annual radiographs. This procedure aimed to provide a biological equilibrium without producing undesirable side effects.  RESULTS: The average age of children at beginning of the program was 81.71 months. Before entering the program the children presented an average of 2.66 lesions/surface, while during the program the average was 0.20 lesions/surface; the incidence rate of caries per year before starting the program was on average 0.62 lesions/surface while during the program it was 0.05 lesions/surface; the time of permanence in the program was on average 44.15 months and the absence rate was 0.14 per year. CONCLUSION: The results confirm the effectiveness of the program, even when applied by different professionals and in different groups of children, turning it into an indispensible method for the control of dental caries.





