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Author Guidelines

Articles for publication in the Journal of Research in Dentistry should be written in English, following the Vancouver style, as published in October 2005 by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and based on the ANSI standard adapted by the U.S. National Library of Medicine.

The text (including tables, figures and charts) and illustrations must be submitted electronically (journal’s online submission). The authors must keep a copy of the manuscript in the event of further requests. The text must be written in Arial 12 font, A4 sheet, 1.5 paragraph spacing, 3 cm for upper and left margins and 2 cm for lower and right margins. The pages must be numbered using Arabic numerals in the top right corner of the page.

The manuscript title (in English), as well as its subheadings must be typed in bold letters. Units, symbols and abbreviations must follow international norms or their equivalent in the national norms. Digital media must be made available in the document editing format Microsoft Word for Windows.

Any work involving trials on humans, including organs and/or tissues, as well as clinical records and laboratory tests results must be in accordance with the principles established in the Declaration of Helsinki. Furthermore, any such studies published in this journal must have been carried out following such principles as well as those of the respective Ethics Committees of the institutions to which the authors are affiliated. No patients names, their initials or hospital numbers should be mentioned in the text or illustrations. In the case of animal experiments, these must have followed the same ethical principles established by the (Instituição dos Conselhos Nacionais de Pesquisa) ou (Institute of National Guidelines for Research) on the use and care for experimental animals.


Authors must declare that the article and/or the piece of research therein is original and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. They must declare any conflict of interest by financial support agencies or funding organizations; authors must declare that the research was conducted following ethical and legal principles. Authors must also declare total acceptance and responsibility over the contents and preparation of the manuscript. In the case of multiple authorship, an author must be appointed for correspondence.

The concepts and information presented in the manuscripts are the responsibility of the author(s), which does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the journal’s editors and reviewers.


All manuscripts will be assessed by a scientific panel; subsequently the authors will be notified of the panel’s decision regarding acceptance, request for alterations or revisions or rejection. Any modification of format, style or interpretation will only occur with the authors consent.


The copyrights of the published articles, including translations, will automatically be transferred to the Journal of Research in Dentistry, however, future reproduction or transcription will be permitted observing appropriate citation.


The submission and acceptance dates will be made available at the time of publication, incorporated in the article and accessible to authors electronically.

Manuscript format

Consider using the following templates to facilitate correct submission of files according to  journal guidelines:
Cover letter template
Title page
Manuscript template
Figures and tables should be submitted in separate files.

Cover Letter

A letter signed by the corresponding author must be submitted along with the other documents, concisely reporting the objective and main findings of the manuscript, declaring that it has not been submitted, is submitted, or will be submitted to another scientific journal, and declaring the approval of all authors.


Title page:

A separate title page should be submitted with all submissions and this page should include:

- The full title of the manuscript;

- Name(s), affiliations (department, university, city, state, country);

- Grant information and detailed information on the other sources of support;

- Name, address, phone number and fax numbers, and email address of the corresponding author;

- Acknowledgment of the individuals who contributed to the preparation of the manuscript but who do not fulfill the authorship criteria.


Manuscript file:

Only manuscripts written in English will be accepted for review.

The manuscript must be structured as described below:
a)    front page
-    title in English (which must be concise, yet informative);

b)    abstract and keywords
Title and subhead title (if any) of the study in English

-    Abstract: should have a maximum of 300 words and must contain the subheadings: aims, materials and methods, results and conclusion. If the manuscript is a case report, the following subheadings must be displayed: aims, case report, results and conclusion.
-    Keywords: a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 keywords must be provided. In order to establish adequate keywords, the authors should consult the list of subjects in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)
Each keyword should start with a capital letter and be separated by a period (e.g. Post and core technique. Fixed prosthesis.).

c)    Main text
For scientific papers, the text per se must contain the following chapters: introductions, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion and acknowledgements (if applicable).

For systematic reviews with or without meta-analysis, the manuscript must comply with the standards recommended by the PRISMA guidelines.

For narrative reviews and case reports, structuring can be flexible.
-    Introduction: establish the aim and objectives of the paper and present the reasons for carrying out the study. Only strictly pertinent references should be cited and data or conclusions from the study in question must not be mentioned at this stage. A hypothesis or objective must be concisely presented at the end of this section. Referencing extensive literature reviews should be avoided and replaced by references to recent original studies in which certain aspects of the review have already been presented.
-    Materials and methods: identify the materials, equipments (in brackets, mention the manufacturers, town, state and country where it was manufactured) and procedures with sufficient detail to allow other researchers to reproduce the study. Statistical methods used must be indicated, if applicable.
-    Results: these must be presented in a sensible sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. Avoid unnecessary repetition in the text of data from tables and illustrations, giving emphasis to important observations only. Try to keep the use of tables and illustrations to a minimum.
-    Discussion: it must be restricted to the significance of the findings, avoiding hypotheses with no foundation in the results, but relating them to current knowledge obtained from other relevant studies. Avoid repeating details already mentioned in previous sections such as introduction and results. Highlight the novelty and important aspects of the study.  Include implications for future research.
-    Conclusion: this must be related to the proposed aims and objectives and justified on the data obtained. The study’s hypothesis should be answered.
-    Acknowledgements (if applicable): people who have significantly contributed to the study should be acknowledged. Specify the source of any funding, giving the name of the financing institution and process number with reference to the study.


- Citation format in the text:
In the text, references should be numbered and superscripted. When citing more than two sequential references, they should be separated by a hyphen, while non-sequential references should be separated by commas. Alphanumeric citations (followed by their respective citation number and publication year) should only be used when strictly necessary for the purpose of emphasis.
Examples of reference citation in the text:
- “increased post length improves the resistance of the restored tooth to fracture5.”

- “the post in teeth with post and core results in a more favorable stress distribution along the post2,15-18,... “

- 1 author: Pereira4 (2009)...;
- 2 authors: Pereira and Valle5 (2010)...;
- more than 2 authors: Pereira et al.8(2011)...;

- Citation format in the reference list:
The references must be numbered according to the order they appear in the text.

They should be formatted according to the Vancouver style, following the guidelines by the
International Committee of Medical Journal Editors in “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (http//

The title of the journals must be abbreviated according to the “List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus” ( and formatted without bold, italics or underlined letters. This should be applied to all references. The surnames of the authors must be followed by their initials without periods or comma.  Only use comma to separate authors.

In publications with up to 6 authors, all should de cited; in those with 7 or more, only the first 6 should be cited and followed by the latin expression “et al.”. The year, volume, number (issue) and pages must be included after the journal title. Personal communications, unpublished ongoing studies should be avoided. Should such citations be absolutely imperative, they must not be included in the list of references, but cited as a footnote. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.

Examples of references:

Pereira JR. Retentores intrarradiculares. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2011.

Textbook in electronic format:

Wothersponn AC, Falzon MR, Isaacson PG. Fractures: adults and old people [monograph on CD-ROM]. 4. ed. New York: Lippincott-Raven; 1998.
Ueki N, Higashino K, Ortiz-Hidalgo CM. Histopathology [monograph online]. Houston: Addison Books; 1998. [cited Jan 27]. Available from: URL:

Book chapter:

Pereira JR, Kaiser OB, Veiga AMA, Ghizoni JS. Restauração de dentes tratados endodonticamente. In: Pereira JR. Retentores intrarradiculares. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 1999. p. 17-22.

Book chapter in electronic format:

Chandler RW. Principles of internal fixation. In: Wong DS, Fuller LM. Prosthesis [monograph on CD-ROM]. 5. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1999. Tichemor WS. Persistent sinusitis after surgery. In: Tichenor WS. Sinusitis: treatment plan that works for asthma and allergies too [monograph online]. New York: Health On the Net Foundation; 1996. [cited 1999 May 27]. Available from: URL:

Journal paper:
Pereira JR, de Ornelas F, Conti PC, do Valle AL. Effect of a crown ferrule on
the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with
prefabricated posts. J Prosthet Dent. 2006;95(1):50-4.

Supplements and/or special issue:

Pereira JR, Scolaro JM, Valle AL, Silva RS, Murata K Y. Linear dimention changes in stone dies using different elastomeric materials . J Dental Res 2002;81(sp. Issue):414.


Tables, Figures, Flowcharts and Graphs
These must be numbered following the ordered they are mentioned in the text using arabic numerals.

Table and figure legends must be placed above it and, whenever necessary; an explanation of symbols and abbreviations to facilitate their comprehension should be listed below it. The legends for a flowchart or a graph must be placed below it.

Tables should be formatted to be open (no vertical lines) both on the right and on the left sides. All tables, figures, charts and graphs must be mentioned in the text and placed at the end of the text in separate pages.
Both graphs and images should be considered as “figures” for the purpose of numerical ordering.

Images (Photographs, radiographs and microphotographs)
Photographs should be sent in original colors, digitalized in .tif or .tiff, with a minimum resolution of 300dpi and 10 cm width.

They should be sent as a separate file and they must not be inserted in the body of the text. Digitally enhanced images will not be accepted.

All images must be cited in the text. Legends must be clear, concise, numbered and placed at the end of the manuscript as a separate list. Micrographs must present appropriate scale.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The text is 1.5-spaced; uses Arial 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all tables, figures, charts and graphs must be mentioned in the text and submitted as separate files.


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