Determinants of competitiveness in Santa Catarina`s higher education sector, from perception of its main CEOs


  • Paulo Cesar Leite Esteves UFSC
  • Solange Maria da Silva UFFS



Setor de Ensino Superior. Competitividade. Fatores Determinantes


This study was developed to identify and analyze the determinants of changes in the competitive structure of the Department of Higher Education of Santa Catarina, from the perception of the main leaders of institutions of higher education in Santa Catarina and the leaders of the two entities Private institutions that bring together the Community, or ACAF Private and Private Institutions, ie the AMPESC who participate in the creation and structuring of the Department of Higher Education in the State. Developed from an interpretive qualitative approach through literature searches and interviews with leaders of the Public Sector, Private Sector Private Sector Community and private, the research identified and ranked a set of eight Determinants of changes in the structure competitive sector. On the other hand, the comparative analysis of these factors with the theoretical models of competitiveness shows that there is no single model can explain fully, the factors perceived by leaders as determinants of changes in the competitive framework in the sector.





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