
  • Julio Cesar Volpp Sierra UNINOVE
  • Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra UNINOVE
  • Luiz Antonio de Carvalho Guerrazzi UNINOVE
  • Maria Candida Sotelino Torres



Executives of organizational Performance, Bibliometric and sociometric study, Managerial Discretion.


For 80 years, the academy has sought to assertively understand the role of executives in organizations. Researchers attempted to respond to this problem and produced articles. This study aimed to identify the magnitude of the international academic production about the impact of executives on organizational performance, through a bilibometric study. Using the laws of Bilbiometry, he identified the current relevance of the topic, with annual output rising, in high impact factor journals: Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal and Journal of Management. Donald Hambrick emerges as a great seminal author, including for the managerial discretion construct. The present study indicates two possibilities for future studies.

Author Biographies

  • Julio Cesar Volpp Sierra, UNINOVE
    Mestre em Administração - UNINOVE
  • Fernando Antonio Ribeiro Serra, UNINOVE
    Doutor em Administração
  • Luiz Antonio de Carvalho Guerrazzi, UNINOVE
    Doutor em Administração


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