
  • Thiago Bruno de Jesus Silva
  • Allison Manoel de Sousa
  • Luis Antonio Lay
  • Laysa Gonçalves Cruz
  • Rodrigo Malta Meurer



Strategic behavior, Economic-financial performance, Agribusiness.


The objective of the study was to analyze the strategic behavior, typified according to the typology of Miles and Snow (1978) and Porter (1980), in the economic-financial performance of the Brazilian agribusiness organizations, listed in B3. Eighteen companies in the non-cyclical sector linked to agribusiness analyzed. The data submitted to the Multivariate Analysis of Variance test and the Tuckey test. The results indicate that companies with Prospector strategic behavior have higher General Liquidity indexes when compared to companies with other strategic behaviors. The results indicate that companies with a Hybrid strategic behavior have higher Asset Profitability and are smaller, when these compared with companies that have adopted only a strategic behavior, that is, Differentiation, Leadership in Costs and Focus.

Author Biography

  • Thiago Bruno de Jesus Silva
    Doutorando em Contabilidade (UFSC), Professor do curso de Ciências Contábeis (UFGD)


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