Institutional isomorphism in universities of the ACAFE system - an analysis of the management course


  • Marcelo Pedro Vieira Universidade Regional de Blumenau
  • Denise Del Prá Netto Machado Universidade Regional de Blumenau



Administration. Isomorphism. Institutional Theory.


This study aims to investigate the existence of institutional isomorphism in administration courses of two universities of the ACAFE system, as well as clarify the isomorphisms found. For that purpose it was taken as research question how the process of institutionalization of management courses generated isomorphisms? Thus, it was assumed that at one moment the courses institutionalized themselves and similar characteristic were presented. Data was collected through semiestructered interviews realized with the courses coordinators searching for evidences showing the existence of isomorphisms. The interviews were conducted and recorded in loco observing a semi-structured model based on the guidelines used by Morandi, Mascia and Cicchetti (2009). Thus, we seek to perceive organizational isomorphism with questions to trace sign of categories verifying behaviors, attitudes and norms related to the assumptions of Dimaggio and Powell (1983). The courses of administration are shaped by a minimum knowledge curriculum required by organs such as the category’s council and the state regulatory agency of higher education. It was also found the existence of similarities arising from organizational techniques, thus evidencing coercive, mimetic and normative isomorphisms.





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