
  • Larissa Soares de Queiroz Universidade Federal de Sergipe Faculdade Adventista da Bahia
  • Ludmilla Meyer Montenegro Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Florence Heber Universidade Federal de Sergipe



, Strategy as practice, Neoinstitutional Theory, Discursive Practices, Legitimacy.


The objective of this essay is to highlight the relationship between discursive practices and legitimacy in the institutional context, demonstrating how these practices can be legitimized with strategic discourse through rhetoric. Thus, a literature review was made of the field of strategy as practice and of the sociological approach of the new institutionalism, as well as the possibilities of approximation between theories. This survey allowed the establishment of relations in the process of institutionalization, as dimensions that permeate the adoption of strategic discourse and the legitimacy of discursive practices through intracanal rhetoric.

Author Biographies

  • Larissa Soares de Queiroz, Universidade Federal de Sergipe Faculdade Adventista da Bahia

    Mestranda em Administração no Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração-PROPADM/UFS. Professora no curso de Administração da Faculdade Adventista da Bahia (FADBA).

  • Ludmilla Meyer Montenegro, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

    Professora efetiva no Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração-PROPADM/UFS

  • Florence Heber, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

    Professora e pesquisadora no Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração-PROPADM/UFS


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