An understanding of a formation and post-formation of strategic alliances in the information technology industry


  • Marcio de Oliveira Mota Unifor
  • Mario Henrique Ogasavara Unifor



Joint Venture, Alianças Estratégicas, Fusão e Aquisição.


This study analyses the dynamic process of an Information Technology – IT firm in terms of strategic management of formation and post-formation of strategic alliances. The objective aims to understand the factors that lead IT firms do strategic alliances under formation and post-formation, including fusions and acquisitions. Interviews were conducted with executives and managers involved in the process of the joint venture formation, formation of the strategic alliance, and acquisition, post-formation time. The ex-post-facto processes of the decision factors were also studied. The results point out that the damages of the relationship of both companies may occur during the implementation stage about how commitment and opportunistic behaviors influence the conduct of a partner in a joint venture, specifically the interdependence and organizational control. The results also identified personal and business gains, concerning learning, including the adoption of new approaches, project management and business control and conduction. The results may be useful to executives and researchers of strategic management and to those who want to study deeper this area field in other marketplaces.

Author Biographies

  • Marcio de Oliveira Mota, Unifor
    Doutorando em Administração, possui dois mestrados em Administração (Profissional e acadêmico), possui duas especializações (Marketing e Tecnologia da Informação) e Graduado em Administração. Professor em Programas de Graduação e Pós-Graduação em disciplinas de Marketing e Métodos Quantitativos Aplicados à Administração. Possui artigos publicados em eventos e periódicos de alto desempenho (e.g. Enanpads, Academy of Consumer Research - ACR, Society of Consumer Psychology - SCP, Revista da Mackenzie, Journal of Business Ethics e Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. Área de pesquisa: Marketing de Serviços e de Relacionamento e Comportamento do Consumidor.
  • Mario Henrique Ogasavara, Unifor
    Pós-Doutorado pela National University of Singapore (Cingapura, 2008)
    Ph.D in Management pela University of Tsukuba (Japão, 2006)
    MBA pela University of Tsukuba (Japão, 2003)





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